- Jun-19: Prof. Zañartu recievesaward from CORFO “Emprendimiento Ingeniería 2030” for best innovation LUN – link
- Jun-19: Hertz contact paper accepted at MDPI’s special issue “Computational Methods and Engineering Solutions to Voice” link
- Jun-19: Juan Pablo Cortés received the best poster award at the 48th Annual Voice Foundation Symposium… Congrats JP! – pic
- May-19: Prof. Zañartu invited to give a keynote talk at Universidad de Concepcion
- April-19: Prof. Zañartu and Dr. Prado give talks at the IHear symposium in Buenos Aires.
- March-19: Prof. Zañartu is invited to serve as Associate Editor of IEEE in Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering link1– link2
- March-19: Prof. Zañartu becomes the new Director of the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, AC3E. See press realease here.
- March-19: Prof. Zañartu was interviewed for a news article on the risks of wireless headphones at the National newspapers El Mercurio (link)
- March-19: Our IEEE on muscle noise removal was accepted. Congrats, Juan!
- March-19: Our IEEE on fluctuation in muscle activation was accepted. Congrats, Rodrigo!
- Jan-19: Our averaging EEG paper is out, Congrats, Pavel! (link)
- Dic-18: Prof. Zañartu recievesaward from the Chilean Industrial Association for Electrical and Electronics Industry (AIE) for best innovation of the year link
- Dic-18: Our ambulatory IBIF paper is out. Congrats, JP! (link)
- June-18: Our brand new AC3E buidlingisunderconstruction! (link, pics).
- March-18: ihearsymposiumtakesplacesatUSM (link)
- March-18: Profs Erath, Mehta, and Peterson visit UTFSM for the P50 project
- Nov-17: Prof. Zañartu was promoted to Associate Professor. Yay!
- Nov-17: The new NIH P50 website is up! Check it out: link
- Aug-17: Nice article on voice issues in singers in The Guardian! link
- Aug-17: In his column at the Mercurio de Valparaiso, the President of CONICYT features Dr. Zañartu link1– link2
- May-17: CONICYT-FONDEQUIP website features an interview with Prof. Zañartu (link)
- Apr-17: Dr. Zañartu gives a talk on the “World Voice Day” event at Universidad de Valparaiso
- Apr-17: Electronic newspaper “El Mostrador” features comprehensiveinterviewwithProf. Zañartu (link)
- Apr-17: Newspaper “El Mercurio de Valparaiso” released an article about our role in the NIH P50 grant (link)
- Mar-17: National news coverage regarding the NIH P50 project!! (LUN & Segunda)
- Mar-17: It’s official: Our NIH P50 proposal was funded!! (link1 & link2)
- Mar-17: Prof. Zañartu gives a talk at Universidad Austral, Valdivia, Chile (link)
- Feb-17: Prof. Zañartu visits Purdue University to foster research and exchange opportunities with USM (link)
- Apr-16: Our biomedical systems group at AC3E was featured in a science TV show on National TV (TVN) link
- Dic-16: The viscous contact paper was accepted to Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (link). Bravo, Sean Peterson!
- Nov-16: Prof. Zañartu gives the invited talk “Modeling the etiology and pathophysiology of vocal hyperfunction: Physical mechanisms” at Boston University.
- Oct-16: Our lab was featured in National Newspaper Diario La Tercera link
- Sept-16: USM was ranked by Times Higher Education as the best Chilean University and the third in Latin America link1 – link2
- Sept-16: Our research was featured on National TV (C13C) link1 – link2
- Aug-16: Our VPLab (link) is in the local news link
- Jul-16: News release at ingenium on our recent efforts in voice research here
- Apr-16: The JASA paper on time-varying Bayesian estimation of vocal fold models was accepted for publication (April,2016). Congratulations, Gabriel!
- Apr-16: Prof. Zañartu is on the national news (TVN) introducing the AC3E research group (video)
- Apr-16: Our AC3E center and our VPLab was featured in the newspaper “El Mercurio” link
- Apr-16: Dr. Zañartu gives a talk on the “World Voice Day” event at Universidad de Valparaiso link
- Mar-16: Our EE PhDprogramreceived the outstanding AUIP award among Ibero-American Universities, and it is the first graduate program in Chile to receive this honor link1 link2
- Mar-16: The 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics was a great success! See papers and pictures here.
- Mar-16: The ICVPB conference is on the local news (link1 and link2) and in the newspaper Mercurio de Valparaiso, March 2016 (link)
- Mar-16: Prof. Sean Peterson (University of Waterloo, Canada, link) starts his Sabbatical at USM with Prof. Zañartu
- Feb-16: The 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics
(ICVPB 2016) is around the corner (March 14 – 17, 2016). More than 130 participants from all over the world are already registered! See press release here. - Jan-16: Our Department was ranked #1 in the country by QS world ranking (link)
- Jan-16: Plos ONE paper with Doug Cook is out! link
- Dic-15: Prof. Zañartu gives a talk at the Fonk museum in Viña del Mar, December 112015. link
- Nov-15: Prof. Zañartu is interviewed by the LUN newspaper on the effects of auditory feedback on voice production link
- Oct-15: The deadline for abstract submission for ICVPB 2016 is on Friday, Oct 162015 (link)
- Sept-15: Prof. Zañartu participates in a large grant application with MGH, BU, MIT, and USM to create a center for vocal hyperfunction, via the NIH P50 program (link)
- Aug-15: ICVPB is in the USM news link
- Aug-15: ICVPB conference website is available now! link
- Aug-15: Our laryngeal HSV system and lab was featured in the USM news (link)
- July-15: Former MS student, Andrés Llicomoves to BU to work with Cara Stepp. Congrats!
- May-15: PhDstudentVictor Espinoza, spends a summer at the MGH voice center working on his dissertation.
- May-15: Prof. Zañartu joins the FONDECYT Study Group in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (known as Engineering 2) from CONICYT
- July-15: Our Llicoet al. JASA EL paper is out! pdf
- July-15: The new book on HSV with our chapter on simultaneous airflow recording is now available on Amazon. Normal and Abnormal Vocal Folds Kinematics: High-Speed DigitalPhonoscopy(HSDP), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) & Narrow Band Imaging (NBI®), Volume I: Technology (Volume 1). Nice!
- Jun-15: Prof. Zañartu gives keynotetalkatAQL2015 – Link
- Jan-15: OurLlicoet al. JASA EL paper onreal-timeestimation of aerodynamic features for ambulatory voice biofeedback was accepted!
- Jan-15: Experts from MIT, MGH, BU, Waterloo, Clarkson, USM, and UV meet in Puerto Varas in the context of an MIT-USM grant link
- Jan-15: PhDstudentGabrielGalindo spends three months at the University of Waterloo working with Prof. Sean Peterson on Bayesian parameter estimation for vocal fold models.
- UCL Ear instituevisitsUSM for workshoponCochlear Implant research link
- VPLab visits MIT and Harvard/MGH link
- The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering has started! link
- Our STICAMSUD group meeting took place in Valparaiso on August 6-7. Visitors included Jorge Lucero, Xavier Pelorson, Denisse Sciamarella, and Guillermo Artana. See group picture here.
- Andrés Llico, MS, (research assistant in our lab) received an award for outstandingacademicrecord. Congrats, Andrés! link
- Our Ghassemi et al. paper was a featured article for June IEEE TBME monthly highlights. (link)
- Check out this cool animation illustrating our Ghassemi et al. paper (link – pdf) for the IEEE TBME monthly highlights website. Many thanks to Daryush Mehta for this awesome figure!
- Our Ghassemi et al. paper (link – pdf)wasselectedasfeatured article for June IEEE TBME monthly highlights. Nice!
- MIT-UTFSM meeting is on the local news link
- The laryngeal high-speed video projects isonthelocalnewslink
- Our grant application for the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) center was awarded! link
- Ghassemi et al. IEEE TBME on machine learning to detect vocal hyperfunction paper accepted!
- Our MIT-UTFSM grant application on measures of ambulatory voice quality and dysphonia was awarded!
- Our FONDEQUIP grant application to purchase a high-end laryngeal high-speed video was awarded! link
- Our joint work with Prof. Hillman on ambulatory voice monitoring is featured in NIH Medline Plus link
- Doctoral students Espinoza and Galindo presented their research at the Sticamsud voice meeting in Buenos Aires. link
- The voice monitoring project is on the USM news: link
- MS student Andrés Llicodiscusses his research in an interview for the USM radio: audio
- Profs. Peterson and Erath visit USM. More info about their talks here.
- My 10-minute Interview in Tecnociencia Canal 13C is out! (link)
- Tecnociencia visited our lab. Official news and video to be posted soon. (pic)
- Zañartu et. al 2013 IEEE TASLP on Subglottal IBIF accepted for publication (March-14-2013)
- Two Zañartu et. al and one Erath et. alpapersacceptedfortheICA 2013 (March-12-2013)
- Erath et al. review paper of lumped mass models is now available (link)
- Sommer et al. JASA EL paper on glottal area discontinuities was accepted for publication (Jan-22-2013) pdf
- Article on the talks from Prof. Guttag (MIT), Prof. Hillman (Harvard-MIT/MGH), and Dr. Mehta (Harvard/MGH), Jan 2013. (link)
- Workshop on ambulatory monitoring of vocal function with Prof. Guttag (MIT), Prof. Hillman (Harvard-MIT/MGH), and Dr. Mehta (Harvard/MGH), Jan 2013. (pic)
- Prof. Guttag (MIT), Prof. Hillman (Harvard-MIT/MGH), and Dr. Mehta (Harvard/MGH) will give a seminar on Clinical Voice Analysis at UTFSM on Jan-10-2013 (link)
- Prof. Ingo Titze visited our lab at USM, Oct 2013. (link)
- Dr. Zañartu presented the IBIF algorithm at the first Ibero-American Voice Conference in Santiago (link)
- Students Llicoand Díaz presented their work at the JCIB 2012 in Viña del Mar (link)
- Sommer et al. paper published (link – pdf)
- Mehta et al. IEEE TBME paper on voice health monitor accepted for publication!
- USM ranked #1 in Electrical and Computer Engineering in South America by Microsoft Academic. (link)
- Dr. Zañartu presented the IBIF algorithm at the ICVPB in July (link)
- Dr. Erath presented our new acoustic model at the ASME-BED 2012, in Puerto Rico in June
- Sommer et al. JASA EL paper accepted! Soon to appear…
- Mehta et al. Interspeech 2012 paper accepted!
- MIT-Chileprojecttakes off! FirstvisittoBoston was in May (link)
- MIT-ChleSeedfund awarded! (link)
- Our invited paper in the ASA meeting in San Diego is in the news (link)